قالب Salient للووردبرس منزوع

Salient - Responsive 

Portfolio & Blog Theme


قالب احترافي للووردبرس

Version 1.6.2

مميزات القالب

  • Fixed adsense embeds breaking js
  • Fixed accordion plus icons not changing back & jumpy animation on close
  • Fixed extra accent colors not effecting small icon size
  • Fixed small size icon style when linked
  • Fixed h6 tag not displaying light in full width color sections with light chosen
  • Fixed footer tag cloud to be consistent size
  • Fixed portfolio extra content editor using plain text so p tags will now work as expected
  • Fixed portfolio recent work carousel not being clickable on iOS devices
  • Fixed Recent work widget when using custom thumbnail for project image
  • Fixed retina nectar love heart icon to have a white bg on masonry blog layout
  • Fixed a couple incorrect selectors for accent color 1 & 2 in colors.php
  • Added Jetpack comments support
  • Added post excerpt support – You can now use this or the more tag
  • Added WPML main menu language selector support
  • Fixed the large icon border color in full width dark sections
  • Improved functionality of the “back to all items” button on the more details portfolio page
  • Fixed “porject” typo in html and css
  • Added option to change bar graph color on a bar by bar basis
  • Fixed nectar button in footer widget area’s hover color
  • Fixed Internet Explorer home slider Youtube embed z-index issue
  • Fixed toggle panels in full with section color issue
  • Fixed accordion jump to top of page when clicked
  • Fixed Yoast SEO plugin title meta tag issue
  • Added support for adding custom classes on full width sections

  سعر القالب



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