Easy Ads – Advertising Manager for PrestaShop v1.6 (Prestashop)

Easy Ads is an advanced advertising manager for PrestaShop v1.6 . It can display advertising banners, videos and embeded content on any available visible hook. Also it tracks the performance of your ads to see how your users engage.


  • Display ads on any visible hook

  • Send to a link

  • Embed video or other components

  • Pop-up ads

  • Show different ads on different pages on the same hook

  • Easy to manage

  • Ads statistics

Display ads anywhere on the page

Supported Hooks

  • displayMaintenance

  • displayRightColumn

  • displayLeftColumn

  • displayHome

  • displayNav

  • displayTop

  • displayTopColumn

  • displayBanner

  • displayRightColumnProduct

  • displayLeftColumnProduct

  • displayFooterProduct

  • displayFooter

  • displayOrderConfirmation

  • displayShoppingCartFooter

  • displayOrderDetail

  • displayPaymentTop

Embed Content

Promote yourself using a video or other media content.

Embed video or other content type

Dashboard Statistics

See how your ads perform in time.

Track user engagement on your dashboard stats


  • PrestaShop v1.6.0.6

  • PrestaShop v1.6.0.5

The post Easy Ads – Advertising Manager for PrestaShop v1.6 (Prestashop) appeared first on Upped4You.

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