First – WordPress Admin Theme (Interface Elements)

Bring “First” to WordPress Plugin

Custom Admin bar, menu, icons and colors.

1: Admin bar

Change the admin bar on the top

  • Custom admin logo

  • Custom admin name

  • Hide admin name

  • Hide quick links

2: Menu

Rename/Remove the menu/submenu on the left

  • Rename menu/submenu title

  • Remove menu/submenu

3: Login page

Change the login page logo

  • Custom login page logo

  • Change the logo link

Change admin footer text and version

  • Change footer text

  • Change footer version

5: Style

Change the icons and colors

  • Choose menu icons

  • Choose colors

  • Support profile colors(wp default 8 colors)

6: Extra

  • Disable open-sans font from google webfont api

  • Use local open-sans fonts

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