Opencart CommonWealth Bank Payment (OpenCart)

Australia Commweb Commonwealth Bank Virtual Payment Client 1.0 (Merchant Hosted)

Current Version : 1.0

Opencart version : v.1.5.x, 1.5.1.x, 1.5.2.x, 1.5.3.x, 1.5.4.x, 1.5.5.x, 1.5.6.x

Demo (Front):

Demo (Admin):

user : demo

pass : demo

This extension allows you to accept payments in OpenCart via Commonwealth Bank one of the leading Bank in Australia. It allows your customer to purchase directly from your site using Credit Cards. Its very secure and easy to install on your Opencart store.

For more information, visit:

1) Upload the files to exact folder path. No core file changes.

2) Give permission to User Groups under Admin.

3) Install the Commweb from Extension > Payments

4) Before enable Commweb, you will require Merchant ID, Access Code, Secure Hash Secret code. Refer to your Administration Center for this.

5) Enter all details and enable the Commweb Virtual Payment.

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